Rural electrification operator

By leveraging our expertise in project development, we guide projects from regulatory approval through to construction and commissioning, ensuring the sale of the electricity produced.

  • Our local teams possess deep knowledge of the economic, social, and regulatory contexts. This enables us to contract construction companies and supervise the construction effectively. We also conduct environmental impact studies and implement Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs). The combination of local expertise and technical proficiency ensures high responsiveness during construction.
  • Our local teams, familiar with the economic, social, and regulatory landscapes, contract and supervise construction companies. Their knowledge and our integrated technical skills ensure swift and effective construction management.
  • We understand that the sustainability of a production unit hinges on the quality of its operation and maintenance, particularly in isolated and rural areas. Therefore, we proactively recruit, train, and select the local operating team, involving them from the installation and commissioning phase. We use a specialized CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) tool for efficient planning and monitoring.

Today, we have built strong experience as a power plant operator. Our projects include: Biomass in Cambodia – Char Chuck 70 kW (isolated site, 2011-2014), Angkor Chum 220 kW (grid injection, 2014-2023) and Sra Em 800 kW (grid injection, since 2018) ; Hydroelectric in Cameroon – Mbakaou 1490 kW (isolated site, since 2022). In 2023, we will expand our role to become a rural electrification operator in Madagascar, focusing on a regional hydroelectric network.