Support for the development, construction and operation of the Mbakaou Carrière hydroelectric power plant (1.5 MW) which supplies 2,800 subscribers in 8 rural localities


iED Invest




2011 – 2021


Union Européenne – Ministère de l’Énergie du Cameroun – iED Invest


The project aims to foster socio-economic development in Tibati and the surrounding villages in the Adamaoua region. By developing, designing, constructing, and operating a 1.5 MW small hydroelectric power plant along with approximately 70 km of low and medium voltage electrical network, it provides a sustainable electricity service to 2,800 subscribers across eight localities in the Tibati area.

The project created over 50 direct jobs during the three-year construction phase and 15 permanent jobs during the 20-year operational phase. It also significantly reduced carbon emissions from electricity production. This initiative represents the first instance of a rural electrification project led by a private sector investor in Cameroon.

Activities & Results

As part of this project, we were involved in every stage of development and construction, specifically:

  • Conducting all preliminary studies and project definition, including technical, socio-economic, and financial models, as well as assessing environmental and social impacts. We also prepared the DAO (Dossiers d’Appel d’Offres) for electrical networks, civil engineering, and electromechanical components of the hydroelectric power plant, and assisted with contract awards.
  • Securing all necessary titles, agreements, and financing for project implementation, including obtaining environmental certificates, authorization from the regulator, and raising funds from institutional partners (EU, FFEM, Rural Energy Fund) and banks (BGFI).
  • Negotiating the electricity purchase agreement with ENEO, the network concessionaire, following a transfer protocol.
  • Overseeing and controlling the construction of the network and hydroelectric power plant, managing the reception of works and authorization for commissioning, recruiting and training operating teams, implementing procedures, and assisting with operations through the implementation of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).