Development of renewable energy projects

Small renewable energy projects in rural areas often present complexities similar to those of large-scale projects. For the past fifteen years, our diverse and complementary technical expertise, along with our deep understanding of the regulatory, financial, and social environments in many countries, has enabled us to support the development of small independent electricity production projects using renewable energy and mini-grids on behalf of private investors and impact investment funds. We offer comprehensive services for the development, financing, implementation, and operation of these projects:

For development : Site identification ; Conducting all technical studies (solar PV, hydroelectricity, bioelectricity, etc.), including distribution networks ; Assessing the electricity market and defining support measures to enhance impacts and boost demand ; Census and geolocation of potential subscribers ; Supporting the negotiation of concession contracts with the national regulator and/or the supervisory Ministry ; Negotiating electricity purchase contracts ; Obtaining environmental certificates and administrative authorizations

For financing: Financial engineering and tariff modeling ; Supporting the acquisition of “impact and green” funds from institutional co-donors ; Negotiating with lending organizations (banks and specialized funds) ; Managing dedicated financing lines (recruitment of operators, verification of performance indicators, and disbursement of funds) ; Our references include managing financing lines on behalf of lessors with a component of support for private operators (e.g., Grid Mini Grids Kenya) and numerous SUNREF projects (Madagascar, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, etc.)

For implementation: Drafting business consultation files ; Assisting in recruiting construction and supply companies ; Supporting administrative, legal, technical, and financial contractual management ; Monitoring and controlling construction work ; Overseeing commissioning

For operations: Creating and training operating teams ; Monitoring operations (defining indicators, monitoring performance, and implementing improvement measures)
