
With over 25 years of experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for institutions and donors in the energy sector. Our extensive expertise spans rural electrification and the development of renewable energy solutions.

We offer tailored training and capacity-building sessions, which can be integrated into ongoing projects or organized independently. Our programs are designed to support various sector stakeholders, including energy ministries, rural electrification agencies, national electricity companies, design offices, engineering schools, independent consultants, and electricity system operators.

Our training courses, rooted in the practical experience of our expert instructors, are comprehensive and progressive. They empower participants with the knowledge and skills to achieve full autonomy in their respective fields. Training can be conducted at our Lyon headquarters, in our subsidiaries in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, and Benin, or directly at your location.

  • Geographic information system and village mapping: 5 days
  • Planning rural electrification: 10 days
  • Electricity demand forecast analysis: 4 days
  • Electrical network studies: 5 days
  • Mechanical network studies: 5 days
  • Sizing of PV/Diesel hybrid power plants: 4 days
  • Pre-feasibility of small hydroelectric power plant (SHP) projects: 3 days
  • Economic and financial analysis of decentralized rural electrification projects: 3 days
  • Pre-feasibility of energy production projects from biomass resources: 3 days