Data & mobility

In recent years, we have honed our expertise in using mobile equipment—such as GPS devices, smartphones, and tablets—alongside specialized software to collect georeferenced data and information directly in the field. The adoption of digital questionnaires offers many advantages :

  • Versatile Data Collection: A wide range of information can be recorded, including GPS coordinates, images, and audio recordings. This enables precise documentation of any defects or issues encountered on-site. Additionally, users can input text or select options from predefined lists, reducing the risk of errors and minimizing input time.
  • Offline Functionality: Information can be entered into forms without requiring an internet or GSM connection. Depending on the need, various specialized applications—whether open-source or proprietary—can be used to complete the forms.
  • Efficient Data Transfer and Processing: Once information is entered on the tablet, it can be transferred to a secure server via an internet connection. This allows project managers to process the data remotely and promptly. The collected data is consolidated online and can be accessed in real time on specialized platforms or data storage sites like Dropbox or FTP.

Creating surveys

Staff training in using hardware and software tools

Setting up a succession campaign

The use of mobile GPS equipment can effectively support various tasks:

  • Socio-economic Surveys: Estimating energy demand and assessing the population’s ability to pay.
  • Technical Audits of Electrical Installations: Conducting audits with georeferencing and photo documentation.
  • Customer Addressing: Accurately locating and recording customer addresses.
  • Village Mapping: Creating detailed maps for electrical and mechanical network studies.
  • Digitalization of Electrical Networks: Mapping and digitizing LV/MV networks and other electrical infrastructure