ERD-RUMPI Project: Rural electrification by hydroelectric energy and strengthening of income-generating activities


Rural Electrification Agency 




2008 – 2018


European Union


The ERD-RUMPI project is a significant initiative aimed at enhancing access to electricity for sustainable economic and social development in rural areas. Its goals include improving electricity service in the RUMPI region, strengthening the capacities of SMEs in the energy sector, boosting the economic and social impacts of rural electrification, and enhancing governance in the rural electrification sub-sector.

The project features the development of a 2.9 MW Small Hydroelectric Power Plant, designed to improve living conditions for over 10,000 rural households. It will also provide modern energy services to more than 1,000 socio-educational and health facilities and support approximately 1,000 income-generating activities.

Activities & Results

As part of this project, iED Consult was responsible for:

  • Conducting Studies: Including feasibility and detailed engineering studies.
  • Preparing Procedure Manuals: For the recruitment of operators, in cooperation with the regulator.
  • Preparing Tender Documents: Assisting in the selection of construction companies.
  • Supervising Works: Overseeing the construction and implementation processes.
  • Facilitating the Multi-Sectoral Working Group: Leading the multi-sectoral working group on energy.